• Chief Quotes

14 May 2024

I believe in this, firmly.

Consider it a person, an event, a meeting, or a position...I will always make sure i am adding value to it. The world is not fair and it is not pure either. One thing that will keep our energy running is the satisfaction of adding value and the acknowledgement of receiving the deserved value in return.

The term FEAR has two faces: Forget everything and run or Face everything and rise. The choice is yours. In today's world, everyone is striving to succeed and be recognized. Being valuable is the choice of courage to face the challenges and contribute. Challenges are part of the game, whereas facing and chasing them is the art of the game. Strive positively to our average into excellence.

Understanding the difference between adding value and being valuable is very important. Adding value means providing something extra or improving further, whereas being valuable is essential or beneficial for the cause. Even though the difference may seem a bit subtle, understanding the two can lead to long-term success and fulfilment in your personal and professional life.


  • Chief Quotes

16 May 2024

The skill to penetrate the high potential of people is the fire within that burns to ignite our future possibilities. As we strive towards this, we always can engage in new conversations, learn, leap to insights, and have unique experiences that will keep our fire alive.

So, you might be thinking what the best combination of ignition is, without a doubt, your achievements are the combination of hard work and smart work. Putting in effort is important, but knowing where to make an effort makes all the difference.

As a potential person, you must understand that you must not get trapped in a loop of following the same as before you did.

‘The electric light did not come from the continuous improvement of candle’.

You must innovate. Think and bring your version of ideas to the table. Smart work is your intelligence and hard work with intelligence will create a greater impact on results.


  • Chief Quotes

16 May 2024

Leveraging existing solutions is indeed a wise approach. Rather than starting from scratch, reusing well-established components or ideas can save time and effort. It’s like finding a sturdy wheel instead of creating one anew.

Remember, innovation doesn’t always mean reinventing everything; sometimes it’s about building upon what already exists. So, let’s roll forward with the wheels we’ve got!

For example, if another department has tried and excelled in an idea, you can take use it. There is no need to invest time or effort in finding something else when you already have a tested


  • Chief Quotes

16 May 2024

Commitment tests our courage to choose, declare, and act. Here, we build rather than perform our commitment. Building a commitment begins, first, by representing a visual experience in language.

If your mind is strong, all the difficult things will become an opportunity. If your mind is weak, everything becomes a challenge. Make yourself resilient enough to handle all the spectrum of ups and downs. The world is not fair.

Failure in professional life is common, what makes the difference between ordinary people and extraordinary is that little extra effort from the learnings of failures which eventually leads to success. To think is the hardest job ever, that is the reason why many don’t engage in it. Think, reflect, learn, and put effort because the END is not the END, effort never dies!


  • Chief Quotes

16 May 2024

As leaders, we must recognize that time is not merely a fleeting resource; it is our most precious asset. Imagine time as a unique currency, distributed equally to each of us—24 hours a day. Yet, how we invest those hours defines our journey toward success. Much like a shrewd investor, we must strategically allocate our time. Every minute spent on trivial matters or lost to procrastination represents a missed opportunity. Unlike money, time does not accumulate interest; once it slips away, it is irretrievable.

Urgent tasks—the relentless stream of emails, endless meetings, and constant firefighting—often consume our days. Meanwhile, we may neglect the crucial long-term goals that shape our organization’s destiny. A CEO who prioritizes strategic planning over daily noise understands the true value of time. Our choices resonate throughout the team. When we honour time, both ours and others, we cultivate a culture of efficiency and purpose.

Conversely, wasted time sends a clear message: “Our mission lacks urgency; mediocrity is acceptable.” Time, our silent partner in leadership, doesn’t shout for attention, yet its impact echoes across projects, relationships, and achievements. Let us invest it wisely, for once it slips through our fingers, it is gone forever. As leaders, let’s embrace time’s quiet power and lead with unwavering purpose.


  • Chief Quotes

16 May 2024

We are living in a generation that craves motivation, but is it really sustainable?

The truth is, motivation tends to fizzle out once the initial excitement wears off. It's not enough to just feel motivated - you need discipline to see real results and make a lasting impact.

You always have options. One option to commitment.

To stop spending time on what is ruining you and to invest time in things that build you. Once you input the right amount of actions, the results will follow.

Setting goals is key. You need to have a clear idea of where you want to go and what you want to achieve. Think of your goals as points on a map - discipline is what connects those points and helps you stay on track.

Success isn't about making huge leaps all at once. It's about taking small, disciplined steps in the right direction. By staying focused and committed, you can achieve anything you set your mind to.

What creates more impact? You spending your motivated energy on one great day and being not productive the coming days OR building a capacity to deliver productivity on every day to reach a target you aimed?

Nobody or nothing will keep you motivated everyday. The urge to excel must come within ourselves. That is a quality we must build within us. The capacity to run without jump-starts or nitro.


  • Chief Quotes

16 May 2024

Did you know that the registration of MS as a company was rejected more than 3 times in a row?

When it was rejected the third time, I was almost broke. I still remember sitting under a streetlight in Abudhabi the whole night having no idea how to apply for the next time. The only thing I had that day was the belief that I was going to do it no matter what and a mindset that was not ready to give up.

We have been rejected. Ignored. Failed.

But we never gave up and we never will.

We had a lot of bad days and my mind always whispered to give up. But we always woke up with the hope and mindset to hustle.

it is the life vision that inspired me to pursue this journey. No matter how hard it is, no matter who is with me in this together, I want to pursue my life vision. I am eager to empower the underprivileged and it satisfies me when they excel. At best I can say that my life isn't about making money, it's beyond that.

It is a minor change in perception with a huge impact on life. Set goals and charge.

Giving up is never an option. It doesn’t exist.


  • Chief Quotes

16 May 2024

Human mind is the most complex yet beautiful machine in world. A natural machine capable of accommodating massive thoughts and generating cognitive decisions based on that.

So, it is actually a matter of putting into right use.

Whenever we receive a piece of information, rather than saving it into your memory directly, try to think about it.

How this information can be utilised?

How can this help me to add value to people around me? Myself?

How can this make my tasks/decisions easier?

How can this data be converted or shared?

How can this be multiplied?

Stagnant data is pointless. As an individual, it's important to constantly expand your knowledge and skills. Great leaders are not only knowledgeable themselves, but they also know how to share their knowledge with others.

They help their team members develop job skills, self-leadership, and the ability to work effectively with others. Great leaders are able to mentor and guide others to grow in both skill and wisdom. They are always willing to teach others what they know and how they approach problem-solving.A multiplying person not only develops the skills of their team members but also creates an environment that fosters innovation, creativity, and growth.Maybe it took 10 years for your leader to learn something and they are sharing 10 year learnings to you in 10 minutes. Don’t just save it. Think on it and multiply to yourself and others.

Build more thinkers. Build more leaders.


  • Chief Quotes

16 May 2024

A great leader is always seeking to expand their knowledge. They understand the importance of continuous learning in order to pave the way for success. It's crucial to focus on acquiring information that is relevant and beneficial to your goals, rather than cluttering your mind with unnecessary data.

At our organization, we encourage and support team members in their pursuit of knowledge, as we believe it is a valuable asset. Being knowledgeable also comes with the responsibility of sharing that knowledge with others. It's important to create a culture of learning and teaching, where information can flow freely from one person to another.


  • Chief Quotes

16 May 2024

As leaders, we often find ourselves operating within the boundaries of our comfort zone. It’s familiar, safe, and predictable. However, true growth and impactful leadership lie just beyond these confines.

Imagine your comfort zone as the intersection of your education, work experience, and personal preferences. It’s where you feel most at ease. Stepping away from this zone requires effort and courage. Acknowledge that change won’t be easy. Prepare for internal conflict as you confront issues you’ve been avoiding. This discomfort is a sign of growth.

Imagine a manager who fears public speaking. Stepping outside their comfort zone means volunteering to lead a team meeting or deliver a presentation. Despite the initial anxiety, they gain improved communication skills and expand their network.

Remember, leadership begins where your comfort zone ends. So, fold up those sleeves, take calculated risks, and lead with courage!