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3 Things to Do for Personal Growth

04 Apr 2024

We’ve all heard of the importance of lifelong learning, but how effective is it when we keep adding knowledge to a pile overflowing? As professionals, we are constantly searching for new ways to stay ahead of the curve, become more efficient and produce higher-quality results. But if we don’t take time to reevaluate our skillset and forget about something to relearn it — what good is any new information?

Now, I am a person who seeks personal growth every single day. No one must be the same as yesterday. There must be at least one small lesson you retained and adapted to your life every day.

This involves a lot of memorisation, adaptations, recoveries, overcoming mental blocks etc. Growth is vital, but so are mental health and efficiency.

In a lifetime, we must keep learning new data through realisations, knowledge, emotions, strength, and so much more. But disproportionate stuffing of data can be upsetting for any memory unit. What we want is an entirely efficient and organised working system. Our mind!

To run an efficient mind, it is vital to unlearn, relearn and learn once in a while.

Learning, unlearning, and relearning is an integral parts of personal growth. It involves gaining new knowledge, releasing outdated perspectives and beliefs, and then applying the latest knowledge differently.


To replenish your brain with new data, you must be willing to let go of any old beliefs or assumptions that no longer serve you.

This process is Unlearning!

As a student or employee, your existential premise demands you deliver a particular set of skills. This skill set keeps varying every year or every six months.

The world is running fast, and it insists on extreme personal growth for you to fit in. The most significant misstep we make is trying to build in those new skills while retaining the skills that are useless for the future. This complicates your ability to learn new things.

Every memory system requires a cache-clearing process once in a while. We require that as well. A process that removes useless data in the form of old skills, memory, behavioural traits that are a hindrance to growth, attitude issues etc.

Trust me, you won’t realize how many possibilities you had to organise your cognitive calibre until some of the old things have been removed and there is a vacant space.


Relearning usually happens after unlearning. This requires patience, compassion, passion and celebration. There is a sense of separation and understanding involved in this. To relearn, you must be open-minded and creative, finding new and innovative ways to apply the knowledge you’ve gained.

Not all your current information might be throwable. Some furniture items need to be thrown out, while some can be fixed and polished to become brand-new ones.

As a person, student, teacher, or employee, you must determine such potential skills or informations that can be polished to serve as a new asset. This phase can create considerable transformations in your personal and career growth.

And this is the most underrated process of growth.


There you go. After unlearning and relearning, you will be self-served with plenty of vacant and generative space where you can pour in renewed things required for your new job, education or new living environment. To learn, you must have an open mind and be willing to explore new ideas and concepts.

Maybe a new language, new skills, new changes!

Whatever makes you better than yesterday is an achievement due to this process.

Simple three steps to boost your personal growth at 5x speed.

These three steps can be as joyful and enjoyable for you as you want where as the results are truly impactful.

Are you a lifelong learner? What have you had to unlearn recently? How do you make sure you keep learning throughout your life?